The Museum of Sleep
An unconventional package of solutions for those who suffered from insomnia.
Begin with the three-dimensional booklet, The Museum of Sleep, which provides museum-like corner spaces in the booklet with not only scientific and food knowledges about sleep but also poems about dreams visualised by fantastic illustrations.

The physical booklet turned out to be full of volume and texture. Each page is a gallery or exhibition room which provides an immersive experience to the readers, and there are cut-out parts in every page that carry hidden messages and information about sleep and dream.

A printed blanket is included in the package dedicating to provide physical comfort to improve one's sleeping experience. One side of the blanket is the rearranged illustration of the Sleepy Food Gallery, the other side is the illustration of the starry sky and the star signs.

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This is the youtube link for the animation as the file size is too big to be uploaded.
The animation is about the starry sky, star signs, and moon cycle, which is an idea of mimicking how human fell asleep under the night sky naturally in the old times without the roof. The animation can be projected on the ceiling in the reader's bedroom to provide a better and a more welcoming sleeping environment.