Happy Our
A group project about producing a publication which proposes a better and healthier mindset with different solutions.
The solution I proposed in this collective publication is using 'the language of flower', floriography in other words, to express one's emotions and feelings as well as to make a change to the individual's surroundings and atmosphere. The contents include the introduction of floriography, the meanings of flowers with different colours, how to make dried flowers, and a little envelop with a piece of pre-dried flower inside of it in the last page.

The publication is wrapped up with a piece of QR code together by the wrapping paper with the issued year on it, and there is a sticker with our group name printed to seal the whole package.
刊物與QR code一起用印有出版年份的包裝紙裝妥,並用印有團隊名稱的貼紙封好。
I was in charged with the cover of the publication, and we decided to create a design which only gives out little hint about all the topics unless you combine all the 40 copies together to reveal the complete big cover.

There are only a limited amount of 40 copies of our publication, so we create a PDF version on google drive for people to access it with the QR code below.
由於只有限定出版40本,我們提供了QR code可以掃描並檢視網路上的PDF版本。